How to Get More Homeowners to Attend HOA Meetings in McDonough, GA

How to Get More Homeowners to Attend HOA Meetings in McDonough, GA

Picture your last HOA meeting. How many chairs remained empty? If you're struggling to boost meeting attendance, it could lead to communication issues later.

After all, HOA meetings allow community members to discuss important matters that affect the entire community. Poor attendance could make it difficult for you to hold elections, vote on issues, or review the budget.

Before that happens, read on to learn how to boost attendance when living in an HOA!

Provide Notice

Always provide ample notice before your next HOA meeting. Otherwise, community members may struggle to attend due to prior commitments.

Giving members ample notice will allow them to save the date on their calendars. Make sure you meet the notice requirements for HOA annual meetings based on Georgia's state laws.

Expand Communication Methods

State laws will determine which methods you use to send a notice to homeowners. Most associations communicate personally, via mail, or electronically. But why stop there?

You can also send a notice about an upcoming HOA meeting via:

  • The HOA website calendar
  • Your community newsletter
  • Signs on bulletin boards
  • The association's social media pages

Consider adjusting your communication style as your community gains younger homeowners. Gen Z and millennials communicate digitally more often than in person. Use emails, social media, and your website to keep them informed.

Consider the Time and Place

Your professionals and parents are more likely to attend meetings if they're scheduled in the evenings. Make sure your venue is big enough to accommodate all members. If the venue is too small, attendees may leave.

Consider making shorter meetings virtual meetings. Virtual homeowners association meetings lead to increased attendance nationwide. Members can attend from the comforts of their own homes.

Having the convenient option of attending from anywhere could boost attendance. Use HOA management services to discover more ways to utilize technology to help your community.

Share the Agenda

Create and share your meeting agenda ahead of time. Sharing an agenda will manage everyone's expectations. They'll know which topics are up for discussion, which could encourage them to attend.

If you're struggling to draft and distribute agendas, consider hiring an HOA management company. Your association manager can help you remain organized.

Once you draft your agenda, stick to it. Don't let meetings drag on for over an hour. Otherwise, members may not attend future meetings.

Make It Fun

Many HOA communities make their meetings an opportunity for socialization and engagement. Make meetings fun. Try holding a raffle, organizing games, and offering food.

Announce the winner of the raffle at the end of the meeting. People will stay to qualify to win.

Boost Attendance at HOA Meetings

Getting community members to attend your HOA meetings will make it easier for your community to agree on important matters. Use these tips to boost meeting attendance. Once you get everyone in their seats, make sure to keep their attention.

You don't have to apply these tips alone. Association management services can help your HOA thrive.

PMI Peachstate is a full-service real estate and HOA management company. We provide clients with professional services to maximize their profitability. Contact us today to discover how we can support your HOA!
